
  1. 上线了两年的项目,没有一丁点测试代码,突然说要开始补单元测试
  2. 上百个Model,有struct,有class,全都没有遵循Equatable协议…要比较两个Model是否相同,需要逐条比较Model的property(属性)



使用Mirror获取property list

动态地获取property list

Objective-C强大的运行时系统使得开发者可以在运行时获取class的property list。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/754824/get-an-object-properties-list-in-objective-c 因此碰到这个问题时,我首先想的是,是否Swift也可以用类似class_copyPropertyList这样的API获取对象的property list。 但是发现想多了…Swift是一门静态语言,在Swift官方主页的介绍中就强调了

Swift code is safe by design




A mirror describes the parts that make up a particular instance, such as the instance’s stored properties, collection or tuple elements, or its active enumeration case. Mirrors also provide a “display style” property that suggests how this mirror might be rendered.


  • 实例为class或struct,则描述该实例的储存属性 (stored properties)
  • 实例为collection或tuple (元组) ,则描述其elements (元素)
  • 实例为enumeration,则描述其当前case

Playgrounds and the debugger use the Mirror type to display representations of values of any type. For example, when you pass an instance to the dump(::::) function, a mirror is used to render that instance’s runtime contents.

关于Mirror的用途,官方文档提到Mirror主要是在Playgrounds或debug时使用,Swift的调试用函数dump(_:name:indent:maxDepth:maxItems:)即是使用Mirror来反射实例。 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/1539127-dump 虽然没有明确禁止在生产环境中使用Mirror,但是Mirror强大的运行时特性注定了它不是一个高效的选择(参考自喵神这篇文章https://onevcat.com/2018/03/swift-meta/)。 嘛,单元测试里拿来用一下应该问题不大吧哈哈哈哈h…


光说不练假把式,我们来实际使用Mirror试试。 Mirror的使用方法非常简单,使用Mirror的init(reflecting:)初始化方法,传入想要反射的对象,就能生成反射对象的Mirror实例。

class AClass {
    let storedProperty: String
    var computedProperty: String {
        return "hi"
    init(title: String) {
        storedProperty = title

let aObject = AClass(title: "a")
let aObjectMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aObject)

调用Mirror实例的children属性可以得到一个Mirror.Child的collection,而Mirror.Child则是一个包含labelvalue两个元素的元组。 label在反射对象为class或struct时为对象的属性名,value则是属性值 注意此处label为Optional,在反射对象为collection(array, set, dictionary)时,labelnilvalue为collection的元素,下文会再次提及。

typealias Mirror.Children = AnyCollection<Mirror.Child>
typealias Mirror.Child = (label: String?, value: Any)


aObjectMirror.children.forEach { print($0) }
/* output:
 (label: Optional("storedPropertyStr"), value: "a")
 (label: Optional("storedPropertyInt"), value: 1)

使用Mirror反射class实例的基本用法如上所示,按官方文档的说法,Mirror还可以作用于collection, tuple, enumeration。那具体反射后得到的Mirror是什么样的,我们一个个把玩下 https://github.com/itsuhi-shu/PropertyEquatable/blob/master/MirrorPlayground.playground/Contents.swift


  • class, struct的计算属性不会被反射
  • collection(array, set, dictionary)反射后其child的labelnil -) array, set的value为其各个元素 -) dictionary的value为其单个键值对构成的元组(key: Hashable, value: Any)
let aDictionary = ["key1": "a", "key2": "b", "key3": "c"]
let aDictionaryMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aDictionary)
print(aDictionaryMirror.displayStyle!) // dictionary
aDictionaryMirror.children.forEach { print($0) }
 (label: nil, value: (key: "key2", value: "b"))
 (label: nil, value: (key: "key1", value: "a"))
 (label: nil, value: (key: "key3", value: "c"))
  • tuple的label若有定义标签名则为标签名,若没有则为.n(n为该元素的序列)
let aTuple = ("a", labeled: 2, 9)
let aTupleMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aTuple)
print(aTupleMirror.displayStyle!) // tuple
aTupleMirror.children.forEach { print($0) }
 (label: Optional(".0"), value: "a")
 (label: Optional("labeled"), value: 2)
 (label: Optional(".2"), value: 9)
  • enum只能反射associated中储存的属性
enum AEnum {
    case first
    case seconde
enum AEnumWithAssociatedValues {
    case first
    case second(with: String)
    case third(title: String, Value: Int, complete: (() -> Void)?)

let aEnum = AEnum.seconde
let aEnumMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aEnum)
print(aEnumMirror.displayStyle!) // enum
aEnumMirror.children.forEach { print($0) }
print(aEnumMirror.children.count) // 0

let aEnumWithAssociatedValues = AEnumWithAssociatedValues.third(title: "a",
                                                                Value: 1,
                                                                complete: nil)
let aEnumWithAssociatedValuesMirror = Mirror(reflecting: aEnumWithAssociatedValues)
print(aEnumWithAssociatedValuesMirror.displayStyle!) // enum
aEnumWithAssociatedValuesMirror.children.forEach { print($0) }
 (label: Optional("third"), value: (title: "a", Value: 1, complete: nil))


了解了Mirror的基本用法,现在该思考如何将Mirror运用在开发中。 在上面提到,笔者想要写最少的代码来实现Model的比较,在有了Mirror之后,接下来很自然而言地就想到要定义一个protocol(协议),通过protocol的extension(扩展协议)来为Model添加一个比较方法。 一开始曾试过用protocol extension来让Model遵循Equatable协议,并添加对==的实现。但后来突然发现NSObject都遵循了Equatable协议,且其==实现为单纯的地址比较(一部分子类override了)。而protocol extension不能override类已实现的方法。所以只能另外提供一个比较函数。


protocol PropertyEquatable {}
extension PropertyEquatable {
    // Do not use `==` because extension can NOT override methods,
    // and most NSObjects conforms to `Equatable` by implementing `==` simply compare their addresses.
    static func ~= (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        func _recursiveCompareElements(lhs: Any, rhs: Any) -> Bool {
            guard type(of: lhs) == type(of: rhs) else { return false }

            let lMir = Mirror(reflecting: lhs)
            let rMir = Mirror(reflecting: rhs)

            return lMir.children.elementsEqual(rMir.children) { (lElm, rElm) -> Bool in
                guard let lKey = lElm.label,
                    let rKey = rElm.label,
                    lKey == rKey else {
                        return false

                // MARK: Collection
                // Arrays, Sets, Dictionaries are all Hashable, and can easily fall down to AnyHashable.
                // But if the Elements are MirrorEquatable, we need to compare the Elements using our methods.

                // Arrays
                if let lArr = lElm.value as? Array<PropertyEquatable>,
                    let rArr = rElm.value as? Array<PropertyEquatable> {
                    return lArr.elementsEqual(rArr) { _recursiveCompareElements(lhs: $0, rhs: $1) }

                // Sets Elements must be Hashable, we don't need to consider about this case.

                // Dictionaries
                if let lDic = lElm.value as? [AnyHashable: PropertyEquatable],
                    let rDic = rElm.value as? [AnyHashable: PropertyEquatable] {
                    guard lDic.count == rDic.count else { return false }
                    for key in lDic.keys {
                        guard let lVal = lDic[key], let rVal = rDic[key] else { return false }
                        if !_recursiveCompareElements(lhs: lVal, rhs: rVal) {
                            return false
                    return true

                // MARK: AnyHashable
                if let lVal = lElm.value as? AnyHashable,
                    let rVal = rElm.value as? AnyHashable {
                    return lVal == rVal

                // MARK: Classes, Structs and others that do not match the conditions above
                return _recursiveCompareElements(lhs: lElm.value, rhs: rElm.value)

        return _recursiveCompareElements(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)


  1. 定义一个协议,并扩展该协议实现对比方法。
  2. 若该类的属性的类也遵循该协议,则递归地往下挖掘并对比。
  3. 直到挖到属性不遵循该协议且为Hashable之后,调用==方法比对属性。
  4. 考虑属性为collection的情况。

完成!! https://github.com/itsuhi-shu/PropertyEquatable